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Prep School


In Reception, we continue to follow the Early Years Foundation Stage. More information can be found on our Nursery pages.

In Key Stages 1 and 2, we follow the National Curriculum and prepare children for the 11+. More details can be found below by subject.

Core subjects




Foundation subjects

Art & Design

Design Technology

Information & Communication Technology




Religious Education

Physical Education

Personal Health and Social Education

Subjects are taught through topics.  Foundation subjects and Science are taught in blocks so that children can immerse themselves in the topics.  Topics are linked through an overarching ‘umbrella’ theme to enable children to make connections across the curriculum and to experience breadth and depth in their learning.  


In phonics, children work each day with Phases 2-6 in ‘Letters & Sounds’.  We use fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama in reading schemes such as Storyworld, Oxford Reading Tree, Collins Big Cat.  Children are heard to read independently and in guided reading groups. Children have regular handwriting practice in the youngers years with a continued focus as they continue Key Stage 2. There is a weekly spelling list to learn.  Children are taught grammar, punctuation and  related vocabulary.

Writing is a complex process for children to master as they bring together skills in phonics, spelling, handwriting, grammar and punctuation, to write their own stories, keep diaries, record facts, make lists, label drawings and compose poetry.


Children learn maths through practical activities using equipment and mental maths, systematically building on their understanding and application skills.  They learn to count, add, subtract, multiply (2, 5 and 10 X tables initially, then 3 and 4), divide, they learn about tens and units, then hundreds, tens and units and beyond, solving problems and explaining their working out.  They spot patterns, use money, tell the time, measure and weigh for cooking, play games and solve puzzles.  They name 2D and 3D shapes and use them in tessellation and symmetrical patterns or to design and build architectural structures, cityscapes, space stations and fantasy worlds.


Children explore and investigate the world around them through real and practical observations and experiences.  Topics include people, animals and plants.  We visit the Science Museum, King Henry's Walk garden, Bradwell-on-Sea and enjoy live animal encounters and science-based theatre workshops.

Religious Education 

Children learn about the major religions in their RE lessons.  We warmly welcome children and parents who would like to share special faith celebrations with us.  We visit local places of worship and Year 2 children visit the Neasden Temple.

Personal Health and Social Education

In Circle Time, assemblies and throughout each day, we talk to children about important issues, for example, keeping safe and healthy, caring for living things, how to be a good friend. 

Specialist Teaching

Physical Education

Children have weekly PE with the class teacher. Ball skills and dance are taught by specialist teachers. As the school expands, we will introduce team sports, as well as swimming.


Children are taught computing skills one-to-one and in groups with our ICT teacher.  They also use cameras, programmable toys, and Chromebooks.


Our Spanish teacher uses games, stories, songs, rhymes and role play to introduce the children to Spanish words and phrases.


Children learn singing and rhythm with our Music teacher each week and present a concert to parents at the end of each term.