Online Registration Form
Thank you for registering your child/ren at The Children’s House. Our school is non-selective and children are offered places on a first come, first served basis, so please register early. There is a single registration for both the Nursery and Upper School. Nursery children will automatically be offered a place in Reception at The Upper School.
Once you have completed the Registration Form below and paid the non-refundable registration fee of £100, your child will be placed on our waiting list. You will receive confirmation of your registration in writing.
Our registration fee of £100 per child can be paid by Paypal or BACs, our details are:
The Children’s House School Limited, Barclays Bank, Sort code: 20-31-52 Account number 80641588
Should you have any queries about waiting lists, please get in touch with Nicolette Blanch in Admissions: 0207 354 2113