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Early Years

Reporting to Parents

Nurturing confident, creative, independent thinkers – a first step 

We have an open-door policy and urge parents to contact their child’s teacher or Headteacher  if they have a concern by popping into the School office.  

Our Nursery teachers assess each child’s learning and development upon entry into the nursery school. This information is shared with parents at Parents' Evening in the child's first term.  

Parent Evenings are held each term and a written report is sent to parents in July, including a statement on the child's attainment of the Early Learning Goals for children at the end of Reception. 

We hold a curriculum talk about the Early Years Foundation Stage during our Welcome Drinks for new parents and there is an open morning each term for parents to come in and share their child's Special Book and class displays. 

At the start of each term, parents receive a welcome letter from the Headteacher and their child's teacher with a list of forthcoming diary dates.  We keep in touch regularly with parents by email.  Photos of the children participating in a range of activities can be viewed in our fortnightly newsletters.