Please click the attachments below to view our school policies.
- Accessibility and Disability Plan 2022 - 2025.pdfDownload
- Admissions Policy.pdfDownload
- Anti-Bullying Policy.pdfDownload
- Assessment, Recording and Reporting Policy.pdfDownload
- Attendance & Punctuality Policy.pdfDownload
- Behaviour Policy.pdfDownload
- Bursary and Hardship Policy.pdfDownload
- Camera and Image Policy.pdfDownload
- CCTV Policy.pdfDownload
- Children Missing from Education Policy.pdfDownload
- Complaints Policy .pdfDownload
- Curriculum Policy.pdfDownload
- Data Protection Policy UK GDPR.pdfDownload
- EAL Policy .pdfDownload
- Equality Policy .pdfDownload
- Exclusion Policy.pdfDownload
- Fire Risk (Prevention) Policy.pdfDownload
- First Aid Policy .pdfDownload
- Food Safety and Cooking Policy.pdfDownload
- Health & Safety Policy .pdfDownload
- Homework Policy.pdfDownload
- Infection Control Policy.pdfDownload
- Information and Records Retention Policy.pdfDownload
- Intimate Care Policy.pdfDownload
- Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023.pdfDownload
- Low Level Concerns Policy.pdfDownload
- Medicine Policy.pdfDownload
- Mental Health and Well Being Policy.pdfDownload
- Missing Child Policy.pdfDownload
- Mobile Phone and Electronic Device Use.pdfDownload
- More Able Children Policy.pdfDownload
- Online Safety Policy .pdfDownload
- Outings Policy.pdfDownload
- Privacy notice for parents.pdfDownload
- Privacy notice for pupils.pdfDownload
- PSHE and RSE Policy.pdfDownload
- Recruitment, Selection and Vetting Policy and Procedure.pdfDownload
- Relationship and Sex Education Policy, including PHSE.pdfDownload
- Relationships and Sex Education Statement.pdfDownload
- Risk Assessment Policy.pdfDownload
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.pdfDownload
- Special Educational Needs Policy.pdfDownload
- Snow and Bad Weather Policy.pdfDownload
- Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Policy.pdfDownload
- Staff Code of Conduct Policy .pdfDownload
- Uncollected Child Procedure.pdfDownload
- Whistleblowing Policy.pdfDownload