The school is committed to providing an environment where children can play, learn, develop and achieve and where they are safeguarded and are enabled to tell or communicate if they are being harmed in some way. We are committed to ensuring that all staff are sensitive to issues of race, culture, gender and diversity but these issues should never be a barrier to sharing and reporting concerns about children.
Named child protection responsibility:
Designated Safeguarding Lead, Upper School:
Ellie Grunewald, contact
Designated Safeguarding Lead and Co-ordinator, Nursery:
Mihaela Zama, contact
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Whole School and
Name of Looked after Children Officer:
Taiba Hussain, contact
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, SENCo and Mental Health Lead:
Laura Powney, contact
Council of Management members with child protection responsibility and
Name of Looked after Children and SEN:
Sarah Pitcher, contact